Tips In Using Soldier 76
Every hero in the Overwatch have its strengths and weaknesses. Some are greater than the other one but can also be defeated by another hero. And as we know, overwatch heroes are divided into three roles, such as tank, damage, and support. So, choosing the right heroin different positions is very important when in Gameplay.
Here Are The Tips for You In Using Soldier 76 In The Gameplay
Soldier 76 is a damaged hero who is also a well-rounded one. He has a heavy pulse rifle, excellent and accurate in damaging. He also has a helix rockets that are an underslung rocket-launcher that as an ability to fire three spiraling projectiles for one time. And this weapon is excellent in dealing with massive damage. Soldier 76 is also great in avoiding his other abilities and shooting to be able to move faster up until it is canceled.
In terms of his biotic field, he drops his weapon on the ground that creates a healing field in a short period. Through that, it also creates an effect to the allies. The ultimate strength of Soldier 76 is its tactical visor. Soldier 76 can gain a perfect auto-aim in a short time. He can easily detect or find his target.
Soldier 76 is a great all-around hero that he can be able to deal for sustainability and even in damaging. He can move on the battlefield quickly and can support its team and himself through its biotic field. The downside of Soldier 76 is he has lacked in specialization for his weapons and abilities. He also has no vertical movement, and he has less impactful form the other damage heroes.
Considering Soldier 76 to play is very simple to learn, you will have difficulty in mastering this hero. Soldier 76 is good to use against heroes such as, Pharah that has a consistent range of medium to long fire that is quicker and more accurate than its rockets. From Bastion, that soldier 76 can do self-heal by hiding in the round corners, and in the infinite range of the missile, he can quickly fire out from kill zone of Bastion. The high burst damage of Zenyatta is best from his small health-pool. They both have a similar range that has significant damage output.
Soldier 76 is not good to use against Reinhardt. He has not enough damage in bursting in the close range. And his shield and auto-aim are dead or will not work. Soldier 76 is not also good for D.Va. Its point-defense zone can cancel everything that soldier 76 does. So basically, D.Va can easily out-damage him. Also, soldier 76 is not good against Widowmaker, and it can easily be outranged.
Well, every hero in the Overwatch have different allocated strengths and weaknesses. The different ways on how to play the various heroes are already given. It will only be the player's strategy on how they will use and defend their heroes. Like Soldier 76, Its win will solely depend on the players playing skills.