Advance Replay System for Live Streaming
The new replay system has been patched on all gaming consoles such as the PS4, Xbox 1 and PC. This feature lets you replay your recent matches. It contains only a maximum of 10 recent matches from different game types. The exception of these features is tutorial and practice range since it is not considered as an official match. The advance replays system lets you have a different perspective of the different player of the game. That includes you, your team, and for your enemies. These features are something to look out for as it gives you additional knowledge on how you will be able to strengthen your skills and techniques while playing the game.
The system makes a significant impact on players. By this feature, they will able to figure out the strategies of their enemies. This includes where they are hiding is how did it come from nowhere to there. This makes the user identify techniques on how you are going to deploy your character in the battle area. Aside from that, not only for your enemies but also for your team. This lets you identify where they are heading out during the game and adds unique strategies in targeting your enemies. Using the map overlays, this enables you to add status that indicates where are every player at.
An example is to where they have been attacked or maybe stunned or just got disconnected. On the other hand, the replays will automatically disappear once you weren’t able to save them. If you think that the game gives a good strategy basis, make sure to save them.
Currently, the new feature is being tested by the PTR or the Public Test Realm to view the whole features. This lets them have ideas and find some hidden bugs present to the system. After the system is being tested, it will be available on different servers. Fortunately, it has been tested and now available.
Other things to know about the Replay System
The feature offers full control over the character’s perspective. This lets you view the game or even the individual character from a third or a first-person view. You can also move the camera freely on the map. Also, it has some functions that allow you to slow down or put it in slow motion and even speed the playback. This lets the user have a clear perspective in different positions. Aside from that, there are different keys that you can use to use the features conveniently. There is also an options menu that you can find in your replay to further get the most experience.
In conclusion, this is a great feature for Overwatch. Players will surely love this patch as much as pro gamers do. The only downside of this feature is that it only limits up to 10 recent games that you can preview. But overall, it is a fantastic feature to add to the game.